Recent Publications
For a full list of publications please visit Google Scholar. Based on FAR at time of submission.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
[J1] M. Dai, G. Xiao, L. Fiondella, M. Shao, and Y.S. Zhang, Deep Learning-Enabled Resolution- Enhancement in Mini- and Regular Microscopy for Biomedical Imaging, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. (in press). DOI:
[J2] B. Jafary, A. Mele, and L. Fiondella, Algebraic, Numerical, and Simulation Algorithms for Component-based System Reliability subject to Positive and Negatively Correlated Failures, Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS), 202, 2020. DOI:
[J3] J. Steakelum, J. Aubertine, K. Chen, V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, Multi-phase Algorithm Design for Stable and Efficient Model Fitting, Annals of Operations Research (ANOR). DOI:
[J4] M. Nafreen and L. Fiondella, A Family of Software Reliability Models with Bathtub-shaped Fault Detection Rate, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE), 25(5), pp. 2150034, 2021. DOI:
[J5] B. Jafary, S. Jha, L. Fiondella, and R. Iyer, Data-driven Application-oriented Reliability Model of a High-Performance Computing System, IEEE Transactions on Reliability (T-Rel). DOI:
[J6] P.-C. Chang, D.-H. Huang, L. Fiondella, Y.-K. Lin, Method for Integrating Classical and Network Reliability: A Time Varying Network Reliability Evaluation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International (QREI). DOI:
Conference Papers with Proceedings (*Presenter)
[C1] M. Nafreen, V. Nagaraju, M. Luperon, Y. Shi, T. Wandji, and L. Fiondella, Connecting Software Reliability Growth Models to Software Defect Tracking, In Proc. International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 138-147, Nov 2020.
[C2] M. Nafreen and L. Fiondella, Software Reliability Models with Bathtub-shaped Fault Detection, In Proc. 67th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2021), Orlando, FL, May 2021.
[C3] J. Steakelum, J. Aubertine, K. Chen, V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, Multi-objective Search to Design Multi-phase Model Fitting Algorithms, In Proc. International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT), Miami, FL, August 2021.
[C4] J. Aubertine, V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, The Covariate Software Failure and Reliability Assessment Tool (C-SFRAT), In Proc. International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT), Miami, FL, August 2021.
[C5] M. Nafreen, V. Nagaraju, M. Luperon, Y. Shi, T. Wandji, and L. Fiondella, Software Defect Discovery and Resolution Modeling, In Proc. International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT), Miami, FL, August 2021.
[C6] V. Nagaraju, C. Jayasinghe, and L. Fiondella, A Covariate Software Reliability Model and Optimal Test Activity Allocation, In Proc. International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (ISSAT), Miami, FL, August 2021.
Invited Book Chapters
[Ch1] V. Shekar and L. Fiondella, Transportation Network Disruptions: Quantitative Impacts on Congestion, Economics, and the Environment, In S. Chatterjee, R. Brigantic, and A. Waterworth (eds.), Applied Risk Analysis for Guiding Homeland Security Policy and Decisions, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2021.
Peer-reviewed Presentations
[P1] M. Nafreen, P. Silva, L. Dharmasena V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, Bayesian Performance Evaluation of Covariate Software Reliability Growth Models, Defense and Aerospace Test and Analysis Workshop (DATAWorks 2022), Alexandria, VA, Apr 2022.
[P2] J. Aubertine, V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, A Covariate Software Tool to Guide Test Activity Allocation. Presented at the Defense and Aerospace Test and Analysis (DATA) Workshop, Springfield, VA, April, 2021.
[P3] B. Jafary, M. Nafreen, and L. Fiondella, Introduction to Maintenance Models, In Proc. 67th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2021), Orlando, FL, May 2021.
[P4] V. Nagaraju and L. Fiondella, Introduction to Mathematical Software Reliability Models, In Proc. 67th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2021), Orlando, FL, May 2021.
[P5] J. Aubertine, K. Chen, V. Nagaraju, and L. Fiondella, A Metrics-based Software Tool to Guide Test Activity Allocation, WG17 Logistics, Reliability and Maintainability and WG24 Test and Evaluation (T&E) and Experimentation, 89th Military Operations Research Symposium (MORS 2021), Quantico, VA, June 2021.
[P6] C. Ellis, M. Wigness, J. Rogers, C. Lennon, and L. Fiondella, Risk Averse Autonomous Navigation from Human Demonstrations, WG31 Operational Environments and WG35 AI and Autonomous Systems, 89th Military Operations Research Symposium (MORS 2021), Quantico, VA, June 2021.