Resilience Engineering
This research project is developing resilience models based on reliability engineering and machine learning techniques to predict when a system will recover to a high level of performance after suffering from a disruptive event that degraded system’s functionality. An open source tool is being built to allow users to automatically apply resilience models to predict recovery time to a specified level of performance or what actions to take in order to reach a target level of performance quickly and cost effectively, as well as resilience metrics such as performance lost/preserved. These models can be customized to many domains such as cyber-physical, computer, environmental, and financial systems as well as supply chains.
For more information click here.
Software Reliability
The key to the success of all software is its reliability. This project is developing models and open source software tools that will allow software engineers to automatically apply software reliability models to help organizations ensure that software applications they develop operate free of failures and security violations.
For more information click here.
Autonomous Systems 
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have attracted significant interest as enablers of autonomous systems. However, these techniques are susceptible to a variety of failures as well as adversarial attacks. This project is developing safety engineering methods for autonomous systems as well as quantitative system engineering techniques for attributes such as reliability, availability, security, and resilience.
For more information click here.
Rotorcraft Tradespace Exploration
This research enriched existing tradespace exploration methodologies and tools by developing mathematical models to quantify the impact of reliability, availability, and maintainability and logistics on life cycle cost (LCC) that drive affordability.
For more information click here.
Transportation Network Vulnerability
This research project implemented several software applications to enable algorithms to assess the dynamic (time varying) vulnerability of a transportation network. These assessment techniques enable decision support tools for dynamic defense allocation and surveillance as well as promote the coordination of orderly evacuation and response.
For more information click here.